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How to make gel nails?

Hvordan laver man gele negle?

How to make gel nails?

Gel nails are a super durable nail system. In the gel nails category you will find everything for gel nails and nail accessories. Gel nails look great easily and hold incredibly well on your nails. All gel nail systems require a UV or LED lamp to harden the gel. Gel can be used both on your own natural nails with a template or on artificial nail tips.

We have many different types of gels, each of which is particularly good at bonding natural nails in different ways. try our N4Y gels, which are our most basic gels, which flow onto the nail by themselves. Our Modeling gels are a much thicker gel that does not run. You can sit and shape and play with it for as long as you want. We hold a nail course in making gel nails, and you can also take your nail technician training here at Nail4you from skilled nail technicians who have taken several training courses in gel nails.

Many people often ask what is the difference between gel nails and acrylic nails, and here we can answer that there is almost no difference when we are talking about chemicals, i.e. content in the products.

Gel nails must harden in UV or LED light, Acrylic nails harden themselves within 10 minutes. Acrylic seemed to many people to smell, gel nails have no smell. Acrylic nails are very hard to file in, gel nails are incredibly easy to file in. If we talk about which nail system is the strongest, the answer is that they are equally strong. If we talk about durability, the answer is that they last just as long. It is actually only the application of gel nails and acrylic nails that is different, and the same applies to removal. The gel nail system is in great development, there are new gels that can do different things almost every day, gel nails are therefore the nail system that is the longest in developing products that suit the most people. Gel nails are also easy because you don't have to spend so much time and experience to be able to make them, gel is self-leveling and flows out nicely and evenly, as long as it is given a little time.